Contents of this page:
What are IP addresses and how are they used?
IP Addressing Space
How does Sub-subnetting work?
Understanding Static vs. Dynamic Addressing
Changing the UNIX Operating System to Work with Sub-subnetting
Host registration
What Are IP Addresses and How Are They Used?
IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are used to identify hosts on the campus Internet, a Cornell network that ties into the Internet, a global network. If the computer is attached to Cornell's network, it needs an IP address to be recognized as part of the campus Internet.
IP addresses are constructed according to a set of specific rules so that hosts on any part of the Internet can communicate with each other. This document describes IP addresses only as they apply to Cornell's campus network. (If you want to know more about Internet addressing, refer to Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture by Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall).
An IP address consists of a 32-bit binary number, which is typically presented as four decimal numbers (one for each 8-bit byte) separated by decimal points. For example,
Internet addresses at Cornell have three parts:
network address
subnet address
host address
When you configure a host for sub-subnetting, you are primarily concerned about the host address, but some understanding of the network address and subnet address is useful.
Network Address
Cornell has four addresses for its backbone networks. They are,,, and The latter is used only by the Cornell University College. These addresses are assigned to Cornell. Cornell cannot change the first two parts of each address, but is free to use the last two parts in any way it chooses in order to identify Local Area Networks (subnets) and hosts that are connected to the campus Internet.
Subnet Address
The subnet address is the address given to your Local Area Network (LAN). Cornell's system provides for 254 LANs connected to each of the main networks. So, for example, if your LAN is identified on the network as, a possible subnet addresses (or LAN address) might be The third number, 21, identifies the subnet.
Host Address
The host address is the address given to the workstation, other computer, or device that is connected to the LAN. Cornell's system provides for 256 host addresses on each LAN. So, for example, if your host is identified on the LAN as a possible host address is The last number, 58, identifies the host.
Not all 256 numbers are available as host addresses on any given LAN. Zero (0) and 255 are reserved for broadcast purposes. (Hosts are set up to "grab" any message marked with their own address or a broadcast address; for example, if your host address is and it "sees" a message addressed to, it will grab the message. In this way, hosts can send messages to large groups without having to know each address on their LAN.)
One (1) is reserved for the gateway/router that sits between the LAN and next network level. The numbers 2-5 are reserved by CIT for diagnostic and management use.
IP Addressing Space
This addressing scheme has worked well for Cornell, but it has some limitations:
- Each of Cornell's fiber backbones can have no more than 256 LANs attached to them.
- Each LAN can have no more than 256 (249 if reserved addresses are taken into account) hosts. Most LANs are constructed with far fewer than the maximum number of hosts addresses available.
- Ethernet LANs performance is reduced with a large number (100 or more) of connections. Performance is most affected by how people are using the LAN: a small number of heavy users can bog down the performance of any LAN. Therefore, the limitations on the number of host addresses hasn't been and isn't expected to be a problem for most LANs at Cornell.
To make room for additional subnet addresses, or LANs, CIT has used a system called sub-subnetting. With this system, up to four LANs can use one full subnet address, thus effectively quadrupling the number of subnet addresses available.
How Does Sub-Subnetting Work?
Each subnet address at Cornell is assigned a "subnet mask." A subnet mask defines how many bits are used for the network address and how many for the host address.
The subnet mask address is, and it currently is the same for all LANs. If you convert the subnet mask address to its binary form, it looks like this:
Subnet mask: 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
If you convert our example host address ( to its binary form, it looks like this:
Host address: 10000000 11111101 00010101 00111010
Together they look like this:
Subnet mask: 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
Host address: 10000000 11111101 00010101 00111010
The subnet mask when shown this way, as an overlay on the host address, essentially tells the computer which part of the IP address is a network address and which part is a host address. Everything in the host address that corresponds to a 1 in the subnet mask is a network address and everything in the host address that corresponds to a 0 in the subnet mask is a host address.
Many LANs at Cornell are sub-subnetted.
Sub-subnetting is based on the same concept as subnetting. With sub-subnetting, the mask will be In binary form, this address looks like this:
Sub-subnet mask: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11000000
When you compare the sub-subnet mask to the example IP host address (, they look like this:
Sub-subnet mask: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11000000
Host address: 10000000 11111101 00010101 00111010
Like the old subnet mask, the sub-subnet mask tells the computer which part of the IP address is the network address and which part is a host address. As explained above, everything in the host address that corresponds to a "1" in the sub-subnet mask is a network address and everything in the host address that corresponds to a 0 in the sub-subnet mask is a host address.
As you can see, there are now ones (1's) in the last byte of the sub-subnet mask. (This is the part, in the subnet mask, that was all zeros (0's) and that identified the host portion of an address.) The ones (1's) that appear in this byte of the sub-subnet mask identify the first two bits of the last byte of an IP address as part of the network portion of the address. The remaining zeros (0's) identify the host portion of the address. By increasing the number of bits assigned to network addressing, the number of possible network addresses increases and the number of possible host addresses for each LAN decreases.
Why is this important?
Gateways need to forward packets to other gateways to get them to the destination LAN. Each network interface card on the gateway is assigned an IP address and a sub-subnet mask. This enables the gateways to route packets from one LAN to another LAN. Once the packet arrives at a gateway that is attached to the destination LAN, the gateway then uses the two bits of the sub-subnet portion of the IP address (the first two bits of the last byte of the IP address) to decide to which sub-subnetted LAN to send the packet.
In order for this to work, each of the LANs connected to a given gateway must have a different set of host addresses. As you know, the host address you assign, for example 58, is translated into a binary address (00111010). Remember, even though you think of this as a host address, the sub-subnet mask forces the gateway to think of the first two bits as part of the network address. If two LANs attached to the same gateway each have hosts with an address of 58, the first two bits in the binary translation will be the same, and even though the hosts are physically on two separate LANs, the gateway won't know to which LAN to send a packet.
To make sure each LAN has a unique set of host addresses, network administrators can no longer assign host numbers from the entire range. Now, each administrator will be assigned a subset of the host addresses available. Within each subset, broadcast, gateway, and diagnostic addresses must be reserved. So, for example, Administrator X can have server addresses at 6 through 9 and workstation addresses at 10 through 63; Administrator Y can have server addresses at 70 through 73 and workstation addresses 74 through 126, etc. If your current host addresses fall outside the range assigned to your LAN, you need to reassign host addresses on your network.
Understanding Static vs. Dynamic Addressing
If you use static addressing on your network, this means you assign each host a permanent IP address. If you use dynamic addressing, the hosts use any available address within a range you specify. The information below explains some of the advantages and disadvantages of static and dynamic addressing.
Before you begin reconfiguring your applications, you should decide which scheme you plan to use: static, dynamic, or a combination. CIT recommends that you use static addressing; it helps you, as the network administrator, keep track of machines and figure out which one is causing problems. Some network applications require static addressing.
If you want to consider dynamic addressing because it is easier to set up, CIT advises that you limit the range for dynamically assigned addresses to start at 21, thus leaving 6-20 reserved for hosts that need fixed addresses because they will offer IP services. If you think you will have more than 15 IP server hosts, you should raise the start point for dynamically assigned addresses.
Changing the UNIX Operating System to Work with Sub-subnetting
Because UNIX has TCP/IP protocols built into the operating system, you can alter the configuration of the operating system itself instead of the applications that run on it. Follow these instructions:
- Go to the interface configuration command, called ifconfig, in your startup script. Most UNIX startup scripts are called /etc/rc/local. You will see a line that looks like this:ifconfig le0 $hostname netmask broadcast -trailers up
Change the value of the netmask to - Note: ifconfig also accepts netmask values in hexadecimal notation. Therefore you may see 0xffffff00 as the value of the netmask. If this is the case, change the value to 0xffffffc0.
- Change the host portion of the broadcast address to one of the following values, depending on the sub-subnet your host is in:
- If the host's IP address is between 1 and 64, use 63.
- If the host's IP address is between 65 and 128, use 127.
- If the host's IP address is between 129 and 192, use 191.
- If the host's IP address is between 193 and 256, use 255.
If your IP address is between 1 and 64, on subnet 180, your ifconfig command would look like this: ifconfig le0 $hostname netmask broadcast -trailers up
4. If you use static routing, you need to change your default gateway. For example:
route add default 1
Host Registration
Network administrators are strongly encouraged to register all devices on their networks (desktop workstations, servers, printers, etc.) with the Network Operations Center (NOC). Visit the Network and Host Registration web site for more information.